Monday, March 24, 2008

eagles on the mississippi

During March, the eagles come and feed along the Mississippi and leave right away... we saw them on Sat and Monday am. It was spectacular to see 50+ eagles feeding at once. Here is a couple of pics....

Thursday, March 6, 2008

March Musings

Going to Nauvoo tomorrow and play for missionaries March 9th at 7pm CDT. Should be great fun. Going to visit John and Don and families. We are doing well and excited that tomorrow is spring break. Flying to Peoria, Ill. Friday night. Macy competing this weekend for flags and Dallin is busy in school doing message work. We need to get him a table soon...he will need one.
Two grandbabies this year...How incredible is that? Lindy Lunt is getting married! Nancy told me last night. hang in there as the weather gets warmer, I get more ambitious. Got three quilt tops done and my girlfriend is getting a long arm we can go and enjoy!

Monday, March 3, 2008

The First Presidency

Thought you all would like to see the picture of our new first presidency. We were at the temple the other day and it was just crazy to not hear Pres. Hinckley's name in the will take time like writing 08 on our checks...
Going Nauvoo on Friday and will put some pics on that soon. I am playing for them a fireside for the missionaries and people in town. Can't wait.