Saturday, September 27, 2008

Asher Paul Keith

Asher Paul has arrived safely. Welcome to you, my new grandson. We have been expecting you and can't wait to meet you in person. Take good care of your parents in PA. We miss them. Hope you will love your new should be a real ride with two great people to help you.
All of us say...HELLO!
Pics to follow at Micah's website...Check them out.
Conrad Shield Keith says...YO CUZ!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Dallin You are officially an adult.
It ain't what it's cracked up to be....
Enjoy your day... have some pie...
Love, mom

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mid Terms and Parent Conferences Done

We are just passing mid-terms and three Parent Teacher conferences. UGH. There is so much to do and I am tired. ON my way to bed. Lindsay might be getting a new job in San Fran. Sarah is swollen. Julie is ready to deliver too. Ryan and Di are closing on Fri. We are just crazy.
Any way...take care... keep us posted...

Friday, September 5, 2008

September is Here

Well, we are about to do mid-terms already! Yikes. So I have several papers to grade and some concerts to prepare for.
It is crazy but interesting. Trying to get Christmas scores going...too.
I must start them just after Oct.9th. We have had a good start to sept. my birthday was uneventful...just a normal day. I got a new bathingsuit that was desperately needed. Ryan got me a new bike with his bonus money and tomorrow we will go to dinner with friends and Lindsay is coming home again, second time in a month.
I have new meds to deal with, and trying to get blood counts down for the satisfaction of the docs.
We are just going along. We just had Conrad for the weekend and it was great. He is starting to smile and respond so cute.
Anyway, looking forward to November. Got the days off but need a sub for the job.