Monday, August 22, 2011

2011 School has begun

We have started the new school year here at Dixie Middle and Tonaquint Intermediate. The kids have their violins, the basses are loaded, and the year has one week under it's belt. There are some great kids and the few Yahoo's that make life interesting.
I spent the weekend grading papers from the violin pass out last week and now caught up to start teaching again.
Stephen has adjusted to his new schedule of Weekends at the DC and we are so glad he sleeps nights again. Although, he does get in my way of taking over the whole bed...
We are turning off the TV in two weeks and shutting down the phone, the bug man, the storage unit, gleaning out the garage and stuff so we can cut down on expenses and hit the debt ceiling this year.
We have had a great year marrying off Lindsay, gaining two granddaughters, a son in law, and a gun cabinet....hello! We miss them but Macy says she is spending next summer in Germany with her sister and her new family.
I will just teach lessons and trying to understand the Primary better. We have our Sacrament Meeting Presentation in one glad to see it coming. The kids know the songs and they are just darling. Primary has been good and I am learning alot about myself.
Spent the summer doing emotional clearings in the emotion code and naet. It has calmed down my sugar addiction substantially.
We are doing well and staying close to the spirit...
We love our grandchildren and wish they were here. Miss them terribly. But we love skype. Yesterday I was gone from the house all day and missed Alorah's birthday. Hope she is glad to be 9...It is a great age and she is ready for school. We have a book coming to her and getting ready to make some great christmas gifts this year with the excess material we have.
All in all, with the world in chaos, we live in peace for now. God is with Us.