Thursday, November 5, 2009

Family Portrait

This is the Summer 09 picture of the family. It was great having everyone here for 36 hours. David flew in and out. I went back with Julie on a late night flight...Ahh...three kids is tough but we made it. Thank you Southwest Airlines. Just got back from a great visit with them again for fall break. Had a fabulous time celebrating a few hundred birthdays. Julie was the perfect hostess again. Now we plan for T Day and Christmas. It is flying by quite fast now. OOOHAW!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

DO Magazine Cover for September

David and Gracie Grace the Cover of DO Magazine.
How cool is that???

Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer is Over

The summer is over. The weather hasn't let up but the monsoon has come and we are faced with school and the regular schedules we have all avoided for the last 10 weeks. School began with many interesting things. I found doing two schools is much easier. I found that guitar class is a nice afternoon. I also found that sometimes the kids think they know more than I and though I resent it, I am glad they have a mind to think with! I have facebooked my summer away leaving undone projects. Spent alot of time next to the TV and watched my fill of "what not to wear" and "House reruns"... Lessons were minimal and I am just getting back to full fledged lessons. It is interesting. We joined the local gym. I have spun and I have swum. Dallin into his clinicals and has begun working on live bodies. Macy has begun her senior year. All her friends from summer played long and hard. We started the summer with a Keith gathering and we end with school supply gathering and new adventures we did not plan. Macy has been on the drill team for two years and began her third summer when the drum major moved. The band asked her to lead them and she had to make a very difficult decision. Many were called and asked for advice. She prayed, fasted and made the decision to move on to the band and leave drill. This will open up the play, swim team, and other pursuits she was hoping for. Her senior year will be great.
We skype regularly with the grandkids and miss them terribly. We miss our neighbors, the Taylors and look forward to their mission being over next summer. It will be good to have them home again. I planted a small container garden which I forgot about when school started...poor thing, they are all wilted and gone. So next summer I can plant again and get rolling better on the tomatoes, peppers, and whatever else I can grow.
Stephen moves for the next nine or ten weeks to the Blooming store for renovations. He will be out of the warehouse...into airconditioning. My parents are coming home tomorrow from their summer home in Rhode Island. We hope to see Ryan, Diana and Conrad on labor day. Stephen had a big birthday party over the summer and mine will be quiet and just a nice four day weekend.
Looking forward to Next May when we will all go to Pennsylvania for all the grads. Macy, Micah, David, and Dallin will all be graduated. So we hope for a big reunion with all of our family in that neck of the woods...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy Birthday

Hope you have a great day turning Old...Poor man...
His quilt of the year is displayed next to him and Dallin....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

2009 Family Reunion

Great Family Reunion May 22, 2009 at St. George...We all got it together!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

April Showers

We have had some unusually cool weather for this time of year. But is has been so welcome...because we know in only a few short weeks it will be SUMMER and 110 degrees.
The windows are open, the skies are blue and the grandkids are coming in May. So life is great. Only six weeks of the year left... then the summer time of scrapping and whatnot. Get ready for next year.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


We are in spring break and it is 70 degrees with sunshine...mmmmmyeah!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

We are tired of the cold weather...bring on the sun!!!! NOW!!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Almost 2....Woo Hoo!

And Look who is almost 2???? Sammy's YOU!

Another Birthday Person!

Guess who is almost 26? Yep, old guy in the pic above....
Happy Birthday Ryan Shield!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

lindsay is about to be 29!

Lindsay is about to be 29! Everyone call her and send her sympathy cards!!!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

10 Days Old

Well, the new year is 10 days old and I got the christmas decs done, stephen got the front gardens cleared out, I got my square for block of the month cut out, and hung up all my clothes from the holiday that were neatly stacked on the ironing board in the closet and then fell down...all over the floor and I just ignored them. We had a wonderful holiday. Last night Macy had a flute solo in the county honor band concert.
She did really well. Was very proud of herself. Well, church today is now at 9am and we are sooo sad. It is way too early for us that love to eat eventually, read the paper, study our lesson, make a few phone calls, etc. So we get up at 7 and hustle to be rewarded later with a leisurely nap and lazy afternoon.
School is back in full swing and we are just crankin' up the heat for all the competitions that are in store for us. Crazy times but good. Well, take care all. Have a great January. I am putting up the Valentine decos today. Let's get with it all.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year Everyone!

We hope you all have a great new year and that all your wishes come true or at least most of them. Get good grades, pay it forward, be kind, be good to yourself and others and have fun. All elements of a great 2009!