Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Macy Painted her room


Recovery Guru said...

Wow! So much fun! Macy looks like she had a blast doing it too! Just a few more days, can't wait until we get to see those cute kids of Julie and Davids!

Robin Keith said...

I can hardly wait...if I go to sleep now and wake up on could not come faster...hmm, sounds like a good if I can talk to a sub to take my place...
Can I borrow your husband next week to check a lap top, and clean the computers at home? Let me can come and bring Julie and we can visit...rk

Recovery Guru said...

You can borrow my hubby anytime you want him! The end of next week will be the best time, just give us a call and let us know when you will be home!

Robin Keith said...

can he come Thurs night? Ap 30?